The use of essential oils has become increasingly popular in recent years. They are incorporated into beauty products, home cleaning supplies, natural medicines and countless other products. In addition to producing pleasing aromas, essential oils have also been proven to yield positive health, beauty, medicinal and cleaning benefits. These multi-purpose oils are derived from flowers, bark, roots, leaves and other natural sources. Their benefits can be obtained when applied to the skin, ingested in small quantities or inhaled. In today’s post, I will discuss the many beneficial properties of essential oils and provide some tips on how you can incorporate oils into your daily routines and rituals.
Helpful Tips When Purchasing or Using Essential Oils:
Always purchase high-quality, pure, therapeutic-grade oils! Essential oils are extremely concentrated and potent. As a result, they can cause skin irritations and reactions. Many essential oils should not be applied directly to the skin. Most oils should be either diluted in water or mixed with a carrier oil (jojoba and almond are good options) before applied to the skin.
Common Uses:
- Household cleaning and disinfecting
- Aromatherapy
- Air purification
- Reducing stress, tension and anxiety
- Killing mold and bacteria
- Promoting relaxation and restful sleep
- Treating acne, eczema, cuts, scrapes, bug bites and bruises
- Relieving nausea and indigestion
- Migraine and headache relief
- Relieving cold and flu symptoms
Commonly Used Essential Oils:
The smell reduces stress and promotes relaxation. A few drops of the oil can be added to bath water, a pillowcase, cotton ball or dish. You can also apply a few drops to your hands, rub them together and inhale the fragrance.
Tea Tree
Tea tree contains natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Unlike many other essential oils, tea tree can be applied topically on acne, cuts and blemishes. It can be used to treat wounds, acne and infection. It is also found in many household cleaning products. The oil has been known to kill mold, fungus, odour and bacteria which makes it a perfect candidate for household cleaning.
This oil is wonderful for promoting relaxation and stress relief. It can be added to a scent diffuser, pillowcase or cotton ball near your bed or pillow.
Oil of oregano is commonly used to fight colds and flus. The substance contains some powerful antibacterial components. A few drops can be placed on the tongue during cold season to fight off sickness.
When consumed, lemon juice can be used to detoxify the body. When applied to the skin, it can be used to treat acne. The oil increases alertness, focus and concentration. This oil should be diluted with water or a carrier oil before being applied to the skin.
This oil is especially great for clearing sinuses and treating congestion caused from allergies or colds. Its antibacterial properties help the body stimulate the immune system. If used in a vaporizer or diffuser, the oil can help relieve nasal and chest congestion. Dilute this oil before applying to the skin as it may cause irritation.
When ingested in diluted quantities, peppermint can help with indigestion. The extract can also help increase mental alertness.
This substance can enhance mental alertness and prevent fatigue. It can be used to combat the side effects of jet lag. It also contains antiseptic properties and can be incorporated into many homemade cleaning products.
How You Can Incorporate Essential Oils Into Your Daily Routine
- Apply a few drops of oil to a cotton ball. Place it in your bathroom, beside your bed, next to your pillow, etc.
- Fill an empty spray bottle with water and some splashes of your favourite essential oils. Use the mixture as a natural household cleaner. Tea tree oil is a great addition for cleaning products as it can be used as a natural antiseptic. You can also add lemon juice, vinegar and baking soda to the mix to make a multi-purpose household cleaner.
- Add a few drops of essential oils to a scent diffuser or vaporizer.
- Fill a small bottle with a carrier oil (almond or jojoba oil) and add a few drops of your favourite essential oils. Your ratio of carrier oil to essential oil may vary depending on how sensitive your skin is. Create your mixture at a ratio of 1 drop of essential oil to every 4 or 5 drops of carrier oil. Adjust accordingly to how mild or potent your essential oil is. Massage the mixture onto your body as needed. You can create a few different mixtures in several bottles for variety. Peppermint, grapefruit and lemon combat fatigue and promote alertness. Chamomile and lavender promote relaxation and stress relief. Create oil combinations according to your needs.
Additional Information
Author: Claire Ford, BA (Hons)
Clinical Receptionist | Social Media Rep | Toronto Health & Fitness Advocate